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Heavy weather in the Bay of Biscay causes troubles and cargo shift on board reefer Baltic Performer

The refrigerated cargo ship Baltic Performer got into difficulties in heavy weather off southwest of the tip of Brittany, 112 miles south of Penmarc'h, on Oct 21 at 3 p.m.

Part of the cargo of 6,120 tons of vegetables, arranged on pallets, had shifted, causing a portside list of 15 degrees.

The vessel asked for assistance in the morning of Oct 22, 2017. The emergency tug "Abeille Bourbon" was deployed as an escort. It sailed from Camaret at 7 p.m. and reached the reefer on Oct 22 at 2 a.m.

The convoy headed for shelter in Brest.

Baltic Performer had sailed from Flushing on Oct 19 bound for Dakar and has a crew of 25 on board.

Weather on scene was wind force 7 on the Beaufort scale and swell of 6 to 9 meters.

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